The city of Brookfield is a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that has about 38,000 human residents. It is the location of the Elmbrook Humane Society (EHS), which provides animal control and sheltering services for the city of Brookfield and accepts owner surrenders.
EHS also provides animal control and sheltering for several nearby communities, including the villages of Lannon, Chenequa, Elm Grove (population 6000) and Natosha, and the towns of Brookfield (population 6000) and Delafield (population 7000). The shelter takes in owner surrenders from outside its area when it can, and pulls animals from other animal control facilities, including Milwaukee. In total, the shelter takes in about 2500 domestic and wild animals per year.
The shelter has posted graphs on its website to summarize statistical outcomes for 2011, 2012, and 2013 for dogs and cats. The live release rate for 2011 was 89%. For 2012 EHS reported a 98% live release. For 2013, the live release rate was 97%. The shelter does not report any owner-requested euthanasias. For each year the live release rate is about 1% lower if animals who died in shelter care are included with euthanasias. Total intake in 2013 was 1867 dogs and cats, which is 33 animals per 1000 residents in the EHS service area.
Brookfield, Wisconsin, was originally listed by this blog on April 20, 2013, based on its 2012 statistics. This post is a revision and update with 2013 statistics.