Hastings, Minnesota, is a city of 22,000 people located near the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin, about 30 miles from Minneapolis. The nearby city of Rosemount, Minnesota, also has a population of 22,000.
The impound facility for the two cities is Shamrock Animal Hospital. Animal Ark is a non-profit organization headquartered in Hastings which has a shelter that contracts with Shamrock to take in animals who are not returned to their owners. Animal Ark also accepts owner surrenders without geographic limitation, subject to a waiting list.
In 2013, according to statistics sent to me and posted on Facebook, Animal Ark’s live release rate was 99%. Their intake was almost 700 cats and dogs. Shamrock does not report its statistics, although the Animal Ark director said that he was unaware of any impounded animal euthanized at Shamrock in recent years. Animals that come into Shamrock with medical and behavioral issues are transferred to Animal Ark along with the healthy ones.
Hastings and Rosemount, MN, are counted in the Running Totals as 90%+ communities.